Our Impact
Your Donation Helps Improve Library Services.
Libraries are an essential part of a thriving community. Your donations provide the library additional funding to support enhanced services and programs. They help ensure the library continues to thrive and serve Spokane and its citizens.
Beyond the enhancement of program and services the Spokane Library Foundation provides advocacy and funding for important initiatives that promote the library’s success. Recent advocacy and support includes the recent successful levy and bond measures.
The foundation is a partner with the library to ensure its future success.

3D Printer
Foundation funds helped purchase a 3D Printer, providing library users with the opportunity to explore the innovative world of 3D printing. Stop by the downtown branch and try it out.
Level Up Working Space
The Foundation helped fund the Level Up Working Space, a place to meet, learn, explore, and create.

Bloomberg Terminal
The Spokane Library is one of the few libraries in the nation with a Bloomberg Terminal. Made possible with Foundation support, the terminal enables people to access the Bloomberg data service, which provides real-time financial data, news feeds, messages, and also facilitates the placement of financial transactions.
Children’s Area Enhancements
Foundation funds have helped to enhance the children’s area with new interactive rugs, books, and educational toys.