Non-Cash Gifts
There are a number of possible ways to give to the Spokane Public Library Foundation that, in addition to benefitting the SPLF, may also allow you or your heirs to achieve tax savings and other estate planning goals. Consider the following giving opportunities with your tax and legal professionals:
Required Minimum Distributions: Directing required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) from qualified retirement plans to be paid directly to the SPLF, potentially saving income taxes.
Gift “Bunching”: Consolidation (“bunching”) of gifts in a given tax year rather than spread across multiple tax years, potentially allowing for income tax deduction opportunities.
Stock: Donating appreciated stock to the SPLF, potentially limiting capital gains tax.
Legacy Planning: Naming the SPLF as a beneficiary of your estate or as a part of other planned giving strategies to establish a legacy in support of the SPLF.
In Memory Giving: Honor a loved one that has passed on and consider supporting the Spokane Public Library with an In Memory Gift.
The Spokane Public Library Foundation is happy to consult and coordinate with you and your professional advisers regarding ways to donate to the SPLF as part of your planning. Please contact us by clicking the link below.
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